Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Name Creatures

Today we started the first assignment of the year: Name Creatures! I can't recall where this lesson came from originally... I have used it every year and I get ideas from ALL over the place!!

**Sorry about the poor picture quality!! In order to save time, I just used my phone to take the pics.

Here's the instructions (just as they saw them on the smArtBoard)

And here is an example of a finished product from last year:

The following pictures are works in progress, a few from each class period today. So far, they are coming along great... I'm excited to see the finished products and will post more examples soon!

It was fun to hear the reactions of the ones who saw a creature right away, I heard one boy say "Dude! It looks like Darth Vader's little brother or something!"

This is a good introduction to using your imagination, especially with those "I can't do it" kids... I hear "I don't see anything, what could it be?" I don't like to give them a very specific answer, that way they can come up with the drawing on their own...I'll try to point out a pair of eyes to start with and see where they can take it from there.


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