9x12 drawing paper
color pencils
Instructions: The paper should be in landscape (horizontal).
1. Start by drawing a 6x6 inch box in the lower right hand corner of your paper.
2. Then fill the rest of the paper with 2x2 inch grid. Since the paper is 9inches, you will have one row of 1x2 boxes.
3. Fill the 2 inch squares with your name. You should try to have all or most of the letters touching at least one side of the box and they should overlap each other.
4. Color each square using a different color scheme. Try shading with color to show value.
5. Choose your best square and recreate it in the larger 6x6 inch square.
That's it! Here's an example in progress:
Due Tuesday 9/17/13
Finished examples from last years students:
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